Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
china 4
administrative monopoly 3
constitution 3
covid-19 3
hong kong 3
judicial review 3
administrative behavior 2
administrative law 2
administrative norms 2
anti-monopoly law 2
autonomy 2
cancer incidence 2
closed nations 2
constitutional law 2
cross-border insolvency 2
global health law 2
health policy 2
infectious disease 2
judicial diplomacy 2
judicial insolvency network (jin) 2
judicial recognition and assistance 2
local protectionism 2
lockdowns 2
macau 2
north korea 2
private international law 2
public health ethics 2
public mental health 2
right to mental health 2
supreme people’s court 2
administrative justice 1
administrative law -- great britain 1
administrative law -- united states 1
advance directives 1
agency costs 1
anorexia nervosa 1
asian studies 1
authoritarianism 1
basic healthcare and health promotion law 1
behavioral law and economics 1
behavioral public choice 1
betacoronavirus 1
biases and heuristics 1
chevron deference 1
chinese constitutional law 1
chinese law 1
civil rights 1
climate change 1
collective choice 1
common law 1
comparative constitutional law 1
comparative constitutional politics 1
comparative law 1
confucianism 1
constitutional & administrative law 1
constitutional and administrative law 1
constitutional conflict 1
constitutional design 1
constitutional economics 1
constitutional judicial review 1
constitutionality 1
coronavirus 1
coronavirus disease 2019 1
coronavirus infection 1
courts' powers and duties 1
decentralization 1
decision making 1
democracy 1
democratic government 1
democratization 1
disability 1
discretion 1
east asian government 1
economic liberty 1
emergency health service 1
emergency powers 1
english administrative law 1
environment 1
epidemiology 1
ethics 1
expressive public choice 1
first aid 1
five-power 1
foreign relations law 1
governance 1
han fei 1
hard look review 1
health promotion 1
healthy china 2030 1
history of constitutional thought 1
hong kong sar 1
human 1
human rights 1
infectious disease control 1
international environmental law 1
judicial corruption 1
justice, administration of -- china -- hong kong 1
law -- administrative law & regulatory practice 1
law -- china -- hong kong 1
law and the cosmic order 1
legalism 1
legislation 1
legislative council of hong kong 1
legislative supremacy 1
leninism 1
medical law 1
paradiplomacy 1
parliamentarism 1
parliamentary accountability 1
parliamentary government 1
parliamentary privilege 1
parliamentary regimes 1
planetary health 1
political determinants of health 1
political transaction costs 1
politics and international relations 1
politics and policy 1
presidentialism 1
public choice and public law 1
public health 1
public policy 1
regulation 1
rent-seeking 1
right to a healthy environment 1
rights of nature 1
rule of law 1
singapore 1
statutory interpretation 1
strategic judicial review 1
sun yat-sen 1
taiwan 1
trust and reciprocity 1
uk supreme court 1
umbrella revolution 1
us supreme court 1
veto players 1
virtue ethics 1
world health organization 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
kwok, kelvin hiu fai 1
leung, gilberto ka kit 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
law 2
lawothers - medicine, dentistry and health 2
laweconomics 1
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