Professor Ip, Dennis Kai Ming 葉啟明
Dr Dennis Ip joined the School of Public Health at HKU in 2008, after worked as a clinician in various settings and on disease modelling in the Centre of Health Protection since graduating with his medical degree from the University of Hong Kong. He received postgraduate training on various areas in UK, including Infectious Diseases at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine at University of Glasgow, and Epidemiology at University of Cambridge. He also holds separate postgraduate degrees in both Statistics and Applied Mathematics.
Dr Ip is a visiting fellow of Hughes Hall of University of Cambridge, a founder member of the Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, a fellow of the Australasian College of Tropical Medicine and its Faculty of Travel Medicine, and a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.
Dr Ip has been the Acting Division Head for the Division of Community Medicine and Public Health Practice since 2013. He is responsible for teaching the module of Introductory Public Health Genomics on the MPH and MMedSc (Genetic Counselling) curriculums. His primary research interest is in the epidemiology, surveillance, and control of infectious and travel related diseases, and the impact of genetic development on public health practice.
He is a consultant for the World Health Organization on the development of infectious disease surveillance systems in China. He also serves as a member of the Genetic Testing Formulary Scientific Committee of the Hospital Authority, and as a member of the Grant Review Board for the Health and Medical Research Fund of the Hong Kong SAR Government. He reviews manuscripts regularly for various international peer-review journals and serves as a statistical advisor for the editorial board of the journal PLoS ONE.
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