Contact Information
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Huang, Zhiyi 黃志毅

Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae:

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Professional Qualifications

I am an associate professor of Computer Science at the University of Hong Kong. I work broadly on theoretical computer science. Before joining HKU, I was a postdoc at Stanford University from 2013 to 2014, working with Tim Roughgarden. I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania under Sampath Kannan and Aaron Roth in 2013. During grad school, I interned at Microsoft Research Redmond under Nikhil R. Devanur in the summers of 2011 and 2012. Before that I got a bachelor degree from the first "Yao Class" under Andrew Yao at Tsinghua University in 2008. I was the recipient of the Best Paper Awards of FOCS 2020 and SPAA 2015, an Excellent Young Scientists Fund (HK & Macau) by NSFC, an Early Career Award by RGC Hong Kong, a Morris and Dorothy Rubinoff Dissertation Award, and a Simons Graduate Fellowship in Theoretical Computer Science.

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