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Professor Joosse, James Paul

Associate Professor

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Professor Joosse, James Paul

Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae:

Research Interests:(click to check for cognate researchers)

Short Biography:

Paul Joosse received his PhD in Sociology from the University of Alberta, Canada.  Prior to joining the University of Hong Kong, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Surveillance and Criminology, supervised by Kevin Haggerty, and an Editorial Assistant at the British Journal of Sociology.  He is also currently a Senior Research Affiliate with the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS).

Paul is a qualitative ethnographic researcher whose research and teaching interests fall into the realms of criminology, social theory, media studies, and the globalization of social movements. Cross-cutting through these fields is an interest specifically in inspirational leadership and the decentralization processes of organizational hierarchies.  His empirical work has examined landowner movements that resist oil and gas extraction, green anarchist movements and ‘ecoterrorism,’ processes of social exclusion and radicalization in the Somali-Canadian diaspora, and the formation of charismatic bonds in new religious movements (colloquially, ‘cults’).  His research has been supported by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship, the University of Alberta PhD Dissertation Fellowship, and Public Safety Canada.

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
2014The University of AlbertaPhD
2006The University of AlbertaMaster
2001The King’s University CollegeBA in Philosophy (with distinction)
Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
CHO, Lok Lee
2021-08-01Best Scholarly Article Award – Honorable Mention: American Sociological Association Global and Transnational Sociology
Research Achievement
2018-08-012018 American Sociological Association Clifford Geertz Prize for Best Article in the Sociology of Culture: American Sociological Association
Research Achievement
2019-05-012019-2020 Universitas 21 Fellowship Award: $50,000: Universitas 21
Research Achievement
2019-08-012019 Society for the Study of Social Problems Outstanding Article Award, Theory Division: Society for the Study of Social Problems
Research Achievement
2019-07-01Symposium for Early Career Theorists at the Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 2019: Canadian Sociological Association
Research Achievement
2019-08-012019 American Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Section’s Distinguished Article Award – Honorable Mention: American Sociological Association
Research Achievement
2019-06-01King’s College London/HKU Fellowship Award 2018/2019: $50,000: King’s College London/HKU
Research Achievement
2018-10-012018 University of Hong Kong Research Output Prize – Faculty of Social Sciences: University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
08/2018-082021Executive Council MemberAmerican Sociological Association, Sociology Section
08/2017-08/2018Editorial board memberBrill book series: “Theory Workshop: New Frontiers in Social and Political Theory”
08/2017-08/2021Executive board memberInternational Sociological Association, Sociological Theory Section
08/2017-08/2018Peer-reviewerSocial Forces, The British Journal of Sociology, Sociological Theory, Journal of Classical Sociology, Terrorism and Political Violence, Sociological Inquiry, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Homicide Studies, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Critical Research on Religion, Journal of Political Ideologies.
08/2015-08/2016Peer-reviewerAmerican Sociological Review, Social Movement Studies, Sociology of Religion, Terrorism and Political Violence, Research in Social Movements, Conflict, and Change, Perspectives on Terrorism, Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, Canadian Journal of Urban Research
08/2016-08/2017Peer-reviewerAmerican Sociological Review, Homicide Studies (twice), Social Movement Studies (twice), Terrorism and Political Violence (three times), Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Journal of Classical Sociology (twice), The Sociological Quarterly, Journal of Political Ideologies, Sociology of Religion, Critical Research on Religion
Media Contact Directory
Area of Expertise:
Area of Expertise (EN)Area of Expertise (ZH)
Social movements
New religious movements
Spoken Languages:
Spoken Language(s) (EN)Spoken Language(s) (ZH)
Written Languages:
Written Language(s) (EN)Written Language(s) (ZH)
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