Name Card
rp02767 picture

Dr Cheung, Hoi Hoi 張凱凱

Senior Lecturer

Contact Information
rp02767 picture

Dr Cheung, Hoi Hoi 張凱凱

Senior Lecturer

Short Biography:

Dr. H.H. Cheung obtained his B.Eng., M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining the University of Hong Kong, he has worked in manufacturing and IT industries as a consultant for a number of years.  He has gained substantial experiences in developing and managing RFID-based solutions, and the provision of consultancy services to implement RFID applications to various industries/enterprises. Dr. Cheung has also participated in a number of industrial application projects of RFID and IoT technologies, including RFID-based systems for product anti-counterfeiting, food processing management, manufacturing and logistics management of a global printing enterprise, governmental project for inventory management, and baggage management of a major international airport.

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
2002The University of Hong KongBEng
2004The University of Hong KongMPhil
2007The University of Hong KongPhD
Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2020-09-01Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award 2019-2020 (Team Award) Teaching Innovations in E-learning: Faculty of Engineering, HKU
Teaching Accomplishment
2020-09-01Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award 2018-19: Faculty of Engineering, HKU
Teaching Accomplishment
2005-01-013rd of Top 25 Hottest Articles, CAD July - September 2005; 11th of Top 25 Hottest Articles, October - December 2005, A multi-material virtual prototyping system: Computer-Aided Design
ISSN: 0010-4485 ; eISSN: 1879-2685
Research Achievement
2007-07-0115th of Top 25 Hottest Articles, CAD January - March 2007, A virtual prototyping system for rapid product development: Computer-Adied Design
Research Achievement
2006-01-018th of Top 25 Hottest Articles, CAD January - March 2006, A topological hierarchy-based approach to toolpath planning for multi-material layered manufacturing.: Computer-Aided Design
ISSN: 0010-4485 ; eISSN: 1879-2685
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
01/2019 - PresentMemberThe Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
07/2018 - 07/2019Co-opted MemberThe Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - MI Division
07/2019 - PresentAppointed Member - Continuing Professional Development CommitteeThe Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
07/2019 - PresentCommittee Member - MIS DivisionThe Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
07/2023 - PresentCommittee Member - MIS DivisionThe Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
09/2018 - PresentFellowThe Higher Education Academy
10/2022 - PresentObserver - Gas & Energy DivisionThe Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
07/2017 - 06/2018ObserverThe Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - MI Division
04/2012 - PresentFull MemeberHong Kong Computer Society
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