Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning: Conference papers Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 280
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Developing and Assessing 21st Century Skills through a Research Evidenced-based Skills Framework”
Proceeding/Conference:International Workshop on Innovative Engineering Education (IEE), 2016
How to Engage, Motivate and Assess Engineering Students through Students’ Reflection
Proceeding/Conference:The 7th International Workshop on Innovative Engineering Education, 2016
Research-Teaching Nexus — Achieving a Balance between Teaching and Research
Proceeding/Conference:Network for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Research-intensive Universities (NETL), 2016
The Development of Generic Skills and Assessment
Proceeding/Conference:National Conference of General Education Into the Intellectual World, Thailand, 2016
History of Women’s Participation in Science and Engineering
Proceeding/Conference:Research Institute of Asian Women (RIAW) International Conference, 2016
Overcoming constraints to giving supportive real-time feedback on authentic tasks in a HE teaching improvement course
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on Assessment for Learning in Higher Education
Student-focused teaching approach development in a higher education training course for teaching assistants
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on Higher Education Teaching and Learning, HETL 2015
Authentic and near-authentic tasks for feedback and engaging trainees in a higher education teaching improvement course
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on Higher Education Teaching and Learning, HETL 2015
Experiences at home and abroad: a comparison of the learning experiences of Chinese Students at Chinese and New Zealand Universities
Proceeding/Conference:International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, IACCP 2016
What motivates academics to contribute knowledge in teaching-focused communities of practice?
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, HERDSA 2016
Developing professional identity through authentic learning experiences
Proceeding/Conference:Research and Development in Higher Education: The Shape of Higher Education
Unearthing Treasures and Building a Community:A Case Study from the University of Hong Kong
Proceeding/Conference:Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) Annual Learning and Teaching Colloquium, 2016
Key Practices of Leadership for Service in Hong Kong
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on Service Leadership Education in Service Economies
Enhancement and Innovation in 'Wise Assessment': A Community of Practice Project
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education
Non-verbal communication in Dentistry: a review of the literature
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Conference on Communication, Medicine, and Ethics, COMET 2015
Child in the dental chair - communicating beyond words
Proceeding/Conference:International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry
Assessment for learning in engineering internship programmes in Hong Kong: How far are we?
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on Assessment for Learning in Higher Education 2015
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 280