Sau Po Centre on Ageing

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General Information
Sau Po Centre on Ageing  
    in the Faculty of:
2831 5210
2540 1244
Key People
3917 4835

Associate Director
+852 95187

Associate Director
3917 8569

Associate Director
3917 6319
RP - Teaching List, Current
2019 S1SOWK30661ACare management
2023 S2SOCI20952AQuantitative Social Sciences: from correlation to causality
2023 S2SOWK20622ASpecial topics in policy study
2019 S1SOWK60031FTSocial work research
2020 S2SOWK63342AComprehensive assessment for psychogeriatric care
2019 S2SOWK62582ACare management
2022 S2NURS60102AConcepts and Methods in Health Services Research
2022 S1SOCI40981ACapstone project in Media and Cultural Studies
2021 S1SOWK10151AIntroduction to social policy and social development
2020 S2SOWK9002FADissertation
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